Vanilla Cycles – Grey Goat

By now you have probably seen or heard about the Grey Goat.  This project was a build that would be a little less extravagant than the 50/50 Chance bike.  More comfortable and a bit less power for those little trips around town.  You might say, we had a sport bike in mind.

Well – like everything else – it went from mild to wild!  We had Kenny’s House of Horsepower tweak the 107” motor so it was not like any typical 107”.  Of course, we figured we better back the power with Baker transmission products.  While we are very aware, the 50/50 Chance bike is great for wheelies, this projects intent was to SMOKE the rear tire.  End result – the Goat has maybe just a bit more power than we planned.

The Grey Goat came together quickly and has the VC styling we require on our builds.  The foundation (frame) color chosen ended way out of our comfort zone.  The consensus was black until we arrived at the powder coater.  And because our buddy Darren rolled out some grey racks (right in front of me), I had to ask, “What color is that!”  And after much thought (maybe 20 seconds) with the color outside in the sun, it changed that quickly.  It took me longer to think about what to tell the others about my color choice – than the decision to go with grey.  My story to the others – it will look fantastic with the natural finish motor and transmission.  Just trust me??  Thankfully it worked this time – I still have their trust.

In addition, we had some great looking black Lester mags we purchased from our guy in KC and knew we needed to use these for contrast.  And of course, our signature flames to tie it together.  Our paint magician in St. Louis (we call him Craphead) matched a bolt head from the bolt left by the powder coater.  Who knew??  But the color is stunning and the Kerker (Supertrapp Bootlegger) Exhaust thumps like it’s going to choke itself out.  It delivers both – the beautiful looks and the sweet sound of power.

As to the name – the name comes from one of two lovely little girls in my life – Goat and Otis.  The grey obviously came from the color.  Now for a bit of humor – shortly after the bike was labeled with a name, we asked for artwork depicting the bike (for shirts, posters, etc.).  We provided the photo of the bike labeled “Grey Goat”.  We probably should have clarified at bit – it was just a name.  Well, we received costly drawings back with a great depiction of our bike (looked just like the photo provided), but with a BIG Ram head (Mountain Goat) flowing out of the background.  Not what we had in mind!  It is just a name for identification.  Even if – our thoughts were along the line of a timid “fainting goat”.

Anyway – she looks pretty – and the Goat does provide a thrill every time you hit the throttle.

  • Pretty Ricky
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Grey Goat